111 Days and counting as Lib Dem councillor tries to get information from Tory Brentwood Council

It was 22nd November 2012 when Cllr Philip Mynott tried to get some documents from Brentwood Council regarding the William Hunter Way development - a development proposed in his own ward.
Since that time, and despite repeated requests, no information has been forthcoming from Brentwood Council. And he's still waiting.
A number of documents were requested and he asked:
- Contents of email between council officers that relate to (presumably Highways) matters and affecting Brentwood North residents. Emails to which no possible commercial confidentiality can apply?
- Why not one Brentwood North ward councillor has been permitted to attend (or even notified of the occurrence of) meetings and whether this is simply a cynical political decision on the part of a council run by a different party to that represented by Brentwood North councillors?
- An explanation how any of us as Brentwood North councillors are supposed to be able to fulfil our roles as councillors and work on behalf our residents whilst this obsessive culture of secrecy is in place?
Cllr Mynott said:
"Thanks to the council's failure to answer the questions I have already asked I
am put in the postion of being unable to provide my resident with answers months
after I should have been."