2011 Budget

At Brentwood's Budget Setting meeting on 15th February 2011, the Liberal Democrats moved (or tried to move) the following amendments to the budget:
Amendment (The Conservative administration would not allow this to be debated)
Following the 1% overall increase in fees and charges agreed by members at the Policy meeting in December and the recent publication of all the budget documentation, we now propose a further 1% pro rata increase in fees & charges for the next financial year and call for this change to be implemented immediately.
We would propose that any projected revenue from this increase is spent on the following areas:
- Thames Chase grant
- An extra Debt Advisor for the CAB
- Summer Hours Noise Enforcement
- Extra enforcement of parking regulations in Brentwood Town Centre in the evening and at weekends.<
Motion 1 (This motion was defeated by Conservatives)
We propose that the Business & Economic Development Panel is merged with the Policy, Performance & Resources Committee with immediate effect to form the Policy, Business & Economic Development Committee.
This measure will not only save the Council money and help speed up the decision making process but will give business and the local economy an even higher profile in the town with the Leader chairing this very important Committee.
Motion 2 (This motion was defeated by the Conservatives)
Members propose a pilot scheme for one year that will see the charge for the first hour of parking in all the Borough Councils Town Centre Car parks reduced from 80p to 40p with immediate effect.
To help offset any lost revenue from this change members propose that a £3 parking charge for entering the Town Centre car parks after 7pm is also introduced with immediate effect.
These changes will ensure the parking burden is shared more fairly between the daytime and the evening economy. These measures will require adequate enforcement compliance in the evenings and at weekends to ensure parking revenues are maintained and the quality of life of residents living in the town centre is protected.