70 Homes Proposed for former Brentwood Police Station site

In 2016, your Lib Dem councillors campaigned against the closure of Brentwood Police Station. The Conservatives closed it anyway.
In April 2017, Lib Dem councillors voted against the "outline plan" for 70 dwellings on its site, saying it was too many for the local infrastructure to cope with. The Conservatives ridiculed us, saying that it wasn't necessarily going to be 70, it said 'up to' and, on this basis, they voted yes to the four storey blocks of flats proposed.
We now have a plan for exactly 70 dwellings on the site over four storeys. Is anyone surprised?!
Cllr Dominic Naylor says:
"We are not anti-development, indeed we support sustainable development that supports and improves the local area, but residents have concerns about the size and scale of this development, the parking, and infrastructure.
"We want to hear residents' views on this prior to the Planning Committee, potentially to be heard on Tuesday 19 February at 7pm at Brentwood County High School. This is not yet confirmed, sign up to our emails on brentwoodwest.libdems@gmail.com for updates."