Action needed in Bishops Hall Park

Cllr Vicky Davies is demanding Brentwood Council take urgent action to rectify the ridiculous issue of the gap between the new pathway in Bishops Hall Park and Green Lane pathway in Pilgrims Hatch.
Cllr Davies said:
"There is a bog like area of 20 feet or so where the pathways do not meet that is creating a hazardous walking area for pedestrians, dog walkers, cyclists and wheel chair users in this very popular, well used area. One of the pathways is under the management of the Borough Council and the other the County Council so where in goodness sake is the joined up thinking here and the "so called" partnership working!?
"A resident in a wheel chair recently had an accident when the chair turned over on the dreadful wet boggy surface. It is scandalous that this ridiculous situation was ever created in the first place let alone allow it to continue for nearly a year.
"How much longer can this be allowed to continue, leaving us open to being sued if further mishaps occur?"