Action on Highwood needed now

Brentwood North Liberal Democrats have expressed their anger and frustration regarding ongoing construction works at the Highwood Hospital site and their impact on the local area.
The controversial proposals were approved by both Conservative and Labour members of the Council in November 2010 - despite warnings by Liberal Democrat councillors regarding increased traffic, congestion, and impact on the Highwood conservation area.

Now that construction work has started, residents of Costead Manor Road, Cleves Avenue and Ongar Road have reported the following:
- HGV's are arriving at Cleves Avenue at 7.15am in the morning, parking up, blocking access to the estate to and Costead Manor Road
- Barriers have been erected along some of the pavements - residents are being forced to walk on the road
- A protected tree reported as cut down by residents of Ongar Road
- Floodlights are coming on very early in the morning
- Noisy work is taking place between 8 and 9am - only non-noisy work is supposed be taking place during these hours
- Parking for the sales centre is taking place on Cleves Avenue outside resident's houses, threatening visibility and access to homes.
After speaking to many furious residents, Brentwood North's Lib Dem candidate, James Sapwell, has asked for an immediate STOP notice to be served on the developer until these issues are rectified. He has also asked for a meeting to take place between the Council, councillors and Bellway Homes. This action comes hot on the heels of previous action by Lib Dem councillors Ross Carter and Philip Mynott to insist on on-site wheel washing facilities to keep the area clean and on restrictions to noise and working hours.
James said:
"Residents have put up with enough. Not only did the Borough Council ignore it's own policies to approve the Highwood development - but now they are putting up with the developer displaying little regard for the area.
"We need action to be taken immediately to address these concerns".