All about Alison

Alison answers our questions...
Ahead of the Shenfield by-election on Thursday 29 October, we thought we would ask our candidate Alison a few questions - some for fun and some serious!
What is your full name:
Alison Elizabeth Fulcher (nee Forbes)
Any idea why you were named Alison?
My name was chosen for two reasons - my parents both liked the name and as one of three sisters (middle) and with our Dad being Scots and Mum Irish it was agreed between them that each daughter would have a name with its origins in Scotland, Ireland and England - mine was deemed English but has many variations in other countries as well. My sisters names are Clodagh and Ailsa.
What is your current age?
Who is Alison's family?
My family is my daughter, Skye and partner, Mark.
Do you have any pets
Our family pet is a Yorkshire Terrier called Pumpkin who never does anything I politely ask him to do.
But we love him, to bits.
What about your education?
I was educated at the Ursuline Convent High School in Brentwood - left to pursue Fine Arts at Liverpool Polytechnic ( now John Moores University) for one year - then completed my Fine Arts Degree as a mature student at the John Cass Institute in East London in 2010.
What do you do for a living?
I work for Cancer Research Uk - managing their Brentwood High Street Charity Shop - to be working for a charity who leads the way in research for a dreadful disease that affects so many people is an absolute privilege - I may be completely biased but I don't feel I am but we have the loveliest group of Volunteers at the Brentwood Shop.
What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is Amelie.
What is your favourite book?
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera.
What was your childhood ambition?
My ambition as child was to be a children's book illustrator.
What three things do you want to do for Shenfield
- I would like to deal with the important issues that affect Shenfield residents everyday - whether it's parking issues on the road they live on, seeking the repainting of a pedestrian crossing or seeking advice and help for a resident whose application for a blue badge has been rejected despite being in dire need of this.
- I will stand up against the potential development of both private and green belt land that is under threat in the ward.
- I will also investigate what effect losing services at the local Community Hospital has had - and understand fully what services are needed and how these can be restored.
Why should Shenfield vote for you?
Shenfield residents should vote for me because I have nothing but their interests at heart - my desire and fervent intention is to understand fully the issues that face residents and seek to resolve these wherever possible.
What would you do on day one as Shenfield's newest councillor?
My first day as Councillor will be spent visiting the Brentwood Community Hospital.