Anger over training centre closure

Liberal Democrat County Cllr David Kendall has expressed his anger and frustration over the proposed closure of the Brentwood Training Centre at Warley in August. The courses that are currently delivered at Warley are going to be transferred to either Adult Community Learning (ACL) at Bishops Hill, Hutton or to ACL at Ongar.
Cllr Kendall is concerned that there has been very little consultation by the County with anyone on the proposed move. He is also concerned about the future of the building and the land which is owned by Brentwood Borough Council. Whilst he would like to see the building and land used for community use he believes Brentwood Borough Council will want to sell it off for development.
He said:
"I am not impressed by the way the County Council have handled this matter. As the County Councillor for the area I should have been told long ago that this was happening and will now be demanding to know why I wasn't.
"I am very concerned about the effect this closure will have on the staff and students currently using the Centre as public transport to Hutton and Ongar is not good. I am also concerned about what is going to happen to the building and the site as a whole.
"I have already raised a number of questions with the Borough Council about this matter and will be keeping up the pressure to try and get the best deal possible for local residents".