Annual Council - report back

Your Liberal Democrat councillors report back on the Annual Council meeting, heralding the start of the council year, held on 19th May 2010.
The Liberal Democrat group of eight councillors were fully represented by Cllr David Kendall (Group Leader & Leader of the Opposition), Cllr Barry Aspinell (Deputy Leader), Cllr Ross Carter, Cllr Ms Karen Chilvers, Cllr Nigel Clarke, Cllr Mrs Vicky Davies, Cllr Philip Mynott and Cllr Reg Straw.
Also in attendance were all 27 Conservative Councillors, sole Labour councillor Mike Le Surf and Independent Cllr Roger Keeble.
Brentwood Mayor Cllr Tony Sleep appraised the meeting of his final round of appointments of his year of office. He then made presentations to those benefiting from the Mayor's charity.
The Mayor welcomed all new councillors to the chamber, including Cllr Nigel Clarke, Cllr Mrs Vicky Davies and Cllr Philip Mynott.
The Leader of the Council and Cllr David Kendall, as leader of the opposition, paid tribute to Cllr Sleep and his year in office.
Cllr David Tee was then elected as Mayor of Brentwood for 2010-2011 and Cllr Joan Holmes was elected Deputy Mayor.
The appointments to the council's political groups, committees and decision making panels were then made, with the following appointments for the Liberal Democrat group:
- Cllr David Kendall and Cllr Barry Aspinell remain as Leader and Deputy Leader, respectively.
- Cllr Karen Chilvers is appointed as Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Panel. Cllr Barry Aspinell & Cllr Reg Straw will also serve on this committee with eight Conservatives.
- Cllr Ross Carter & Cllr Vicky Davies will serve on the Environment, Housing & Community Panel with eleven Conservatives & the independent member.
- Cllr David Kendall, Cllr Nigel Clarke & Cllr Philip Mynott will serve on the Highways Panel with eight Conservatives.
- Cllr Karen Chilvers & Cllr Ross Carter will serve on the Planning Development Control & Licensing Committee with eight Conservatives & the Labour member.
- Cllr David Kendall, Cllr Nigel Clarke & Cllr Philip Mynott will serve on the Business & Economic Development Panel with seven Conservatives & the Labour and the independent members.
- Cllr Karen Chilvers & Cllr Reg Straw will serve on the Audit Committee with three Conservatives.
- Cllr Philip Mynott & Cllr Reg Straw will serve on the Standards Committee with three Conservatives, the Labour member, three parish councillors and three independent members.
- Cllr Karen Chilvers will remain a member of the Public Information Panel.
Liberal Democrat members have also been given the following appointments on outside bodies:
- Cllr Vicky Davies will represent the council on Basildon & Thurrock Hospitals Trust
- Cllr Reg Straw will represent the council on Brentwood & District Age Concern
- Cllr Barry Aspinell will represent the council on Brentwood Football Club
- Cllr Reg Straw will represent the council on Landkreis Roth and Mountbazon Town Twinning
- Cllr Ross Carter will represent the council on Brentwood MIND
- Cllr David Kendall will represent the council on the Brentwood Town Centre Renaissance Group
- Cllr Reg Straw will represent the council on the Thames Chase Joint Committee
Following a report by the Independent Remuneration Panel, members allowances were restored to their previous levels, following agreement by all members that they would take a £1,500 cut in 2009-10. However, those who are taking an additional responsibility allowance (Cllr David Kendall and Cllr Karen Chilvers for the opposition) will take a 5% cut on their allowance in line with national government.
The webcast can be viewed at