Bazza Vegas? The Council Leader sets the record straight!

Cllr Barry Aspinell talks about this week's press story:
Brentwood residents have spent ten years beingTOLD what was going to happen so, it would seem, it's going to take time for them to get used to being ASKED what they want... and that can lead to the odd misquote in the press!
Last week, in my press briefing, I mentioned the possibility of a new slip road into Brentwood servicing The Brentwood Centre. Something like this COULD alleviate the traffic congestion every time there is a popular event on there and this could mean that the area could be developed further to offer restaurants, retail or even as a place where we COULD have a cinema IF THIS IS WHAT RESIDENTS WANT!
In September, we are planning a borough wide consultation into the William Hunter Way development, the town centre and what's wanted in the wider area. Have your say when it comes through your door.
I cannot believe that the Gazette went with the headline of BRENT-Vegas when BAZZA-Vegas is mch funnier!
What's no laughing matter is that we are here, as councillors, to represent and deliver what you want for your let us know what that is!