Brentwood at night: Lib Dems call for night time strategy
Brentwood's Lib Dems are calling for the administration to introduce a strategy to manage our night time economy.

Cllr Barry Aspinell, Leader, has tabled the following motion:
"We call upon the council to implement an urgent strategy to manage Brentwood's night time economy.
"We ask for an investigation of other councils' strategies and for Brentwood Council to consider issues and solutions such as night time car parking
charges, toilet facility provision, licensed premises contributions and other anti social issues."
On the related issue of night time parking, Cllr David Kendall has tabled the following motion:

"We welcome our visitors to Brentwood in the evening but realise that there is a dichotomy between day time and night time parking charges where you pay £10 for 6 hours of parking during the day but nothing at night, which is unfair to those businesses who operate during the day and our residents who are the most regular supporters of local traders during the day.
"We ask for some level of fairness and for a charge at night to be introduced ASAP, offsetting the cost to our local residents during the day and aiding our day time operating businesses and local traders."
Both matters will be discussed at Full Council on Wednesday 10th July 2013.