Brentwood becomes a Blue Badge “zero tolerance” borough

Unanimous, cross party support, was given for a motion tabled by Liberal Democrat councillor Karen Chilvers at Ordinary Council on Wednesday 27 June.
Karen, a blue badge holder herself for over two years, had become aware of widespread abuse by non-blue badge holders. So moved a motion at the ordinary council meeting to make Brentwood "zero tolerance", and to robustly enforce the law.
The action was supported by all councillors, and seconded by fellow blue badge holder and Conservative councillor 'Olivia Sanders'.
Now there will be no tolerance of those getting a coffee or picking up their dry cleaning whilst using disabled bays in council areas, and private operators will also be asked to adopt the same approach.
Karen said:
"Availability of disabled parking spaces for someone with mobility issues can mean the difference between them getting a pint of milk or having a social interaction that day or not. Disability can be extremely isolating, and as a society, we all need to recognise this, and allow those with challenges to lead a normal life, not block their access to goods, essential services, and a social life."
"I am delighted to have received such emphatic support from all councillors last night, and was further delighted to have an enforcement officer check my blue badge this morning, just after moving someone on!"
"Councillors should look to make a tangible difference during their tenure, and I hope this makes a difference for fellow disabled residents of Brentwood."
The full text of the motion is below:
Blue Badge parking spaces are an invaluable lifeline for people with disabilities to enable them to access goods, services, and help them to lead an independent life, as they should be entitled to.
However, inconsiderate motorists frequently block blue badge parking spaces.
It is unacceptable, and can not be allowed to continue. It is unfair on our mobility challenged residents, and therefore, we need to support parking enforcement officers to deal with it.
Brentwood Borough Council will itself adopt a more rigorous approach and call upon SEPP and private parking operators (such as NCP, Horizon, and Parking Ticket Ltd.) to operate a zero-tolerance approach to non-blue badge holders, parking in blue badge spaces in our borough, and to impose and enforce the traffic regulations.
Read More via Essex Live 'Brentwood Council adopts zero-tolerance approach to motorists abusing blue badge parking spaces'.