Brentwood Fire Station "not under closure threat"

Cllr Cllr David Kendall attended the public meeting to discuss Brentwood Fire Station on Wednesday 1st February and received assurances that the station was not under threat of closure and that two applicances would remain, although one would now be staffed by retained fire fighters rather than a full time crew.
The Chief Officer has also stated that:
- Brentwood Fire Station answers around three calls per day
- Automatic Fire Alarms in commercial premises (except schools, hospitals, hotels and care homes) will not be answered shortly as 90% are false alarms
- 97% of the second appliance's crew spend their time not attending incidents
- Two applicances will always be sent to a house fire, as minimum
Cllr Kendall said:
"It is important that residents are aware of all the facts over this issue."