Brentwood High Street closure update

In an effort to encourage social distancing, kick start the local economy and try and make a more pleasant shopping experience, Essex County Council and B
rentwood Borough Council temporarily closed the High Street to all vehicles except buses and delivery vehicles. However, in the light of strong representations made by many businesses and residents against the closure, this decision has been reversed and the High Street reopened. Many businesses felt the closure was adversely affecting their trade, particularly drop offs and pick ups. Many residents had concerns about the buses still using the High Street and no access for disabled parking (see Cllr Karen Chilvers article here). Residents were also concerned about the significant increase in the volume of traffic and vehicle emissions in affected town centre roads together with concerns about large lorries using weight limited diversion routes.
We support the decision to reopen the High Street because we don't believe permanent pedestrianisation of the High Street 24/7 was ever a realistic option due to the road infrastructure in our town centre being unable to
cope. However we do believe some important lessons can be learnt from this whole experience. Going forward the County and Borough Councils are now proposing to make the High Street a traffic free pedestrianised environment only on a Sunday between the hours of 8am - 6pm. The view is that this will make the High Street a more relaxed family friendly environment for one day of the week with access only for disabled parking.
We support this move but appreciate the decision still has to be confirmed and funding found to deliver it.