Brentwood Tories' Conduct "in the gutter"

Brentwood Council's ruling administration sunk further into the gutter last night with a flagrant disregard for democracy and good conduct.
At the Policy Committee, chaired by failing leader Cllr Louise McKinlay herself, the Chair:
- Refused to take an urgent item of business that asked fundamental questions about the Hutton Community Centre
- Chastised members for talking about consultation issues during an item on consultations.
- Turned two opposition councillors' microphones off, preventing them from speaking on issues affecting residents
- Pulled faces at an opposition councillor when she was trying to speak
- Stormed out of the meeting whilst an opposition councillor was speaking
Cllr David Kendall, Leader of the Opposition, said:
"This conduct simply cannot be allowed to continue. It's no surprise that Cllr McKinlay has taken no action against members of her group for their poor conduct - including throwing insults across the chamber at us - if this is how she conducts herself.
"Opposition councillors are trying to speak up for and debate matters important to the residents of Brentwood but, sadly, the Leader is constantly curtailing debate and pushing through her own agenda rather than putting residents first.
"It's quite a contrast to the praise given to Lib Dem Cllr Barry Aspinell who presided over the Overview & Scrutiny Committee this year and received commendations and a round of applause at his last meeting for the way he has chaired it."