Brentwood Tories spend £3.1M of your money on consultants

Conservative controlled Brentwood Council has spent a staggering £3.1million of your council tax on hiring outside consultants and costly interim staff over the last four years.
Warley Lib Dem and former councillor Jill Hubbard said:
"Council tax payers in Brentwood are entitled to ask why millions of pounds are being poured into the pockets of consultancy firms. This is an appaling way to spend our council tax even if we had a strong economy, let alone post recession. The appetite by Brentwood Conservatives to get rid of our permanent staff and hire outside advisors shows no sign of coming to a halt."
After clearing Brentwood Council of so many experienced, permanent staff Brentwood's skills shortage is such that expertise at our council can no longer be called on. The situation got so bad that the Audit Commission refused to sign off the borough accounts in 2008/9, accounts were signed off late in 2010/11, with our accounts being produced late and signed off behind closed doors in 2013.
Liberal Democrats believe we need permanent, experienced staff who know Brentwood and understand the challenges we face to get the job done - not costly temporary staff with no permanent commitment.