Brentwood West: Tallis Way safety improvements closer

Cllr Karen Chilvers' suggestions of safety improvements in Tallis Way on Clements Park moved one stage nearer after Tuesday evening's Community Services Partnership.
A sign installed by local residents asking drivers to watch out for playing children was under threat of removal by Brentwood Council. A site visit by Cllr Chilvers in April saw a more robust solution suggested that got the support of all councillors.
She said:
"There is a safety risk here as there is very little traffic along the road in front of these few houses and a lovely green where families play, yet it is right near the main spine road on the estate. It makes more sense to add some fencing at each corner to break a run before you get to the road and introduce a safety sign integral to the fencing. It would also stop the grass getting churned up."
Officers will now draw up plans for a later meeting in the hope that this can be approved and installed by next Spring.