Cautious welcome for new Sugar Hut licence terms

Lib Dem councillors have placed their trust in the licensing officers and responsible authorities after the licence for the Sugar Hut was reviewed and a number of key restrictions were placed on it in preparation for it's imminent re-opening. The licence was reviewed due to concerns on the issues of:
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- the prevention of public nuisance
- public safety
- the protection of children from harm.
Cllr Karen Chilvers, who ran a petition to Bring Back the White Hart last year after a serious fire closed the establishment, presented evidence on behalf of concerned residents and said:
"Although many residents signed a petition and didn't particularly want the Sugar Hut back we had to face facts and recognise that they were about to re-open. Therefore, steps had to be taken to ensure that the establishment was safe and meeting the four objectives above.
"To be fair, the Sugar Hut management team have made a lot of concessions to try to work within these guidelines and this includes a strict restriction on the number of people allowed in, stringent searches for weapons and drugs and strict age enforcement. For this reason, the police withdrew their objections prior to the hearing.
"The new management team have committed to work with the community to make this a safe and pleasant establishment and I hope this is the case. However, I would urge residents to ensure they report any issues at any establishment in Brentwood so the authorities can manage our night time economy and take action where necessary.
"Furthermore, I have suggested that they invite concerned neighbours in prior to opening so the new management team can be a familiar community presence and allay some fears."