CCTV to help fight Bishops Hall problems

CCTV and anti-climbing fences are to be installed at a community hall in a bid to tackle anti-social behaviour.
A Brentwood Borough Council report states that since the collapse of a three-month youth project at Bishops Hall Community Centre, the hall has suffered a large amount of anti-social behaviour, including staff and members being threatened.
Youths have also been regularly climbing on to the roof of the building, raising concerns about their safety.
Police recently announced a zero tolerance approach to tackling anti-social behaviour in the Pilgrims Hatch area after a series of complaints from residents.
Ward councillor David Kendall welcomed the moves and suggested other ideas such as reintroducing a volunteer-operated youth group to the hall. "It's all very well having zero tolerance, but you need to find something for the youths to do," he said.
Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Sean Kane said: "We are seeing a reduction of anti-social behaviour in the areas that were concerning us."