Checking on your neighbours: Pilgrims Hatch councillors set an example

Lib Dem councillors Barry Aspinell and Vicky Davies have been out and about in Pilgrims Hatch in the last couple of days checking on their residents in sheltered accommodation to see that they are coping in the severe weather.
Cllr Davies said:

"Complaints about the lack of adequate gritting on our roads has enraged many residents. Essex County council insist Brentwood's roads are receiving attention but the results have shown Brentwood gridlocked with major routes at a standstill.
"Essex County council's Tory portfolio holder stated on Essex radio that snow ploughs are too costly and not needed. But surely the loss in revenue to companies who are unable to operate properly when their staff cannot make it to work must be worth at least one vehicle to keep the highways clear.
"Pavements are also treacherous and reports of slips and falls are keeping the hospitals busy.
"And where are the promised salt bins in village locations? Are they out there or just a figment of this Tory council's imagination?"