Cllr Barry Aspinell wins right to appeal and returns to council duties

Following his suspension on 12th July 2010 regarding the wording of a leaflet, Cllr Barry Aspinell has been granted an appeal by the Standards Board for England and returned to his duties as borough councillor for Pilgrims Hatch and Lib Dem Deputy Leader on 25th August. He was originally suspended until 31st August.
Cllr David Kendall, Leader of the Liberal Democrat group on Brentwood Borough Council, said:
"Cllr Aspinell has continued as a county councillor during his suspension but now that a judge has decreed that he has good grounds for appeal over his sentencing and suspension, he was allowed to immediately return to his duties as borough councillor.
"I am certainly delighted that Barry is back working with his residents and I know he has already been back in the council offices carrying out case work, as he was elected to do."
"Throughout this affair, Barry has had the support of his Liberal Democrat colleagues and we continue to value him as part of our team."