Cllr Kendall calls for light switch off delay

Lib Dem County Councillor David Kendall has called on Essex County Council to delay the introduction of "Part Night Lighting" in Brentwood to allow Councillors and local residents more time to consider key areas across the Borough where the lights should remain ON. At present "Part Night Lighting" is due to be introduced in February 2014 but the actual date in February has yet to be confirmed.
David Kendall has made the call after finally being told that the maps showing where the County Council intend to keep the lights ON in Brentwood won't be available until 24th January 2014 which is potentially days before the big switch off.
He said:
"Councillors and residents need to know where the County Council intend to definitely keep the lights ON in Brentwood between 12am and 5am before they can give a detailed response to what is being proposed. The fact that we aren't going to get this information until the 24th January - potentailly days before the big switch off - makes a mockery of the whole consultation process. I have called on the Cabinet Member Cllr Rodney Bass to delays things and give Councillors and residents more time to respond. Let us hope he listens to our call".