Cllr Mark Lewis: My opposition to the Sugar Hut Licensing Application

Statement from Cllr Mark Lewis:
I have received a number of emails and calls regarding the Sugar Hut licence application which includes an extension to 7am closing. I thought I would set out my views on this for the benefit of local residents although I can confirm that I take a negative view on the application.
- 7am closing will create night time noise for local residents
- 7am closing will encourage anti-social behaviour in the town centre. This includes but is not limited to possible loud, violent and unruly behaviour, drug taking, litter, vomit and other unpleasant and unhealthy situations throughout the night
- 7am closing for the Sugar Hut sets a precedent for other similar businesses on the high street and in the area. Other businesses may be forced to follow suit resulting in a general deterioration in social standards and behaviour.
Brentwood is a pleasant town and we should proactively act to maintain this.
I will be making appropriate representations.