Closer scrutiny call for major projects

Brentwood's Lib Dem-chaired Overview and Scrutiny Committee has put in a formal request for more information to be provided on major projects in the borough.
At the meeting on Tuesday, opposition councillors were united in their calls for more scrutiny on projects such as Crossrail, William Hunter Way and the Hutton Community Centre.
Cllr Karen Chilvers, who chairs the committee, said:
"It is clear that a lack of information is a major issue for councillors as they do not feel they are getting enough clarity on some issues and do not feel this allows them to properly represent their residents.
"We have asked for the opportunity to scrutinise the working groups for these projects at the next meeting and also that a member of Overview & Scrutiny is allowed to shadow the working groups, with a view to scrutinising the process closely.
"We await the decision of the administration and hope for a positive response."

Other decisions made at the meeting were to scrutinise the parking consultation process, the council's new constitution and the localisation of council tax scheme.