Conservative MP Burghart Disappoints on Fireworks Response #BangOutofOrder

Brentwood's MP has responded to our request for him to engage with the RSPCA over noisy fireworks that terrify our pets yet, it will probably leave animal lovers disappointed.
Following a vote in September asking him to engage with the organisation on his residents' behalf to investigate options such as silent fireworks, a letter was sent to him from Brentwood Council signed by leader Cllr Chris Hossack and Lib Dem Cllr Karen Chilvers, instigator of the move.
Karen explains:
"Mr Burghart's response is a little odd. It talks about a ban on the sale of fireworks (that was never mentioned) and the threat of the dastardly underground world of firework factories. The council simply asked him to proactively engage with the RSPCA to talk about alternatives on behalf of its residents".
Karen has replied asking him to look again at the content of the motion and send an appropriate response to the request.
"After all," Karen added, "it is his job to represent us and we know there are hundreds of Brentwood residents crying out for help over this matter".
Meanwhile, you can email your councillors with the RSPCA's #BangOutofOrder campaign
Click here:
Just fill in your details and a letter will automatically go to them.
However, a list of current supporters can be found here. That includes ALL Lib Dem councillors in Brentwood.
The RSPCA have advice too - click here,

The orignal motion, as sent to Alex Burghart MP
"Fireworks cause considerable distress to our pets, wildlife and livestock. In addition, they cause distress to the sick, vulnerable and those with mental health issues. There are also concerns over their environmental impact.
"There are alternatives such as silent fireworks and drone light shows. With Brentwood residents contacting us regularly with their concerns and major supermarket chains halting their sale, it is surely time to review the use of traditional, outdated fireworks and look for a new way to celebrate in 2020.
"Unfortunately, councils' powers are limited. Stopping their sale has no impact as people can buy elsewhere and restricting them by licensing powers covers barely any fireworks events as most are private. Licensing officers advised that major reform can only be made at parliamentary level. Therefore, Brentwood Council resolves to write to Alex Burghart MP to request that he formally engages with the RSPCA (the organisation campaigning to change fireworks legislation) and report back within six months".