County councillor in wet T-shirt shocker

Newly elected Cty Cllr David Kendall teamed up with colleagues from the other major political parties on this sunny afternoon in Brentwood South to raise funds for the new children's centre on the Eastham estate.
The fun day included an opportunity to "Sponge a Politician" with a wet sponge and there was no shortage of willing volunteers!

David joined borough councillors Michael Golding (Con) and Mike Le Surf (Lab) for the event and all ended up with a thorough soaking!
David said:
"It was certainly an experience!! It is terrific to be able to put party politics aside and come together to raise funds for such a good cause.

"Well done to everyone who played a part in setting up the event and thanks, sort of (!), to everyone who threw sponges. They looked like they were enjoying it a bit too much though, especially my son!"