Coxtie Green Road Fly-tip Chaos!
Three fly tips down Coxtie Green Road, near the Weald Road end were recently reported by your local councillor. The fly tips were feet apart from one another and posed a huge risk to drivers, especially in dark conditions or if wind blew the rubbish into the middle of the road. The fly tips included chairs, house-hold rubbish, a small sofa, a small mattress and planks of wood.
The fly tips were reported by Local Councillor Brenner Munden and will be followed up to make sure they are quickly cleared up and removed.
The Liberal Democrat group completely condemn all fly tips and the Joint Administration are committed to improving local Council services to ensure fly tips are quickly removed and fly tippers are prosecuted. Officers at the council have the ability to try and find out the source of the fly tip by going through the waste in order to prosecute the offender. The newly formed Clean and Green Committee are looking into ways to improve services at the Council including new and cost-effective ways to prevent fly tips and speed up the removal process. It can be frustrating seeing fly tips pollute our borough but rest assured the Administration is working hard to cut the number of fly tips and relieve the financial burden on local tax payers.
Local Councillor Munden says “for too long the villages around Brentwood have suffered from fly tips. We want to make sure our countryside remains clean and protect our environment. The council officers under previous administrations were over-stretched and I therefore welcome the focus of our newly formed Clean and Green Committee on fixing our fly tip problem”.
If you come across any fly tips yourself you can report them via the Brentwood Council Website, but please also contact your local councillor so the fly tip can be referred by the ward member and chased up in a timely manner.