Crossrail: Lib Dem calls for joint talks rejected
Lib Dem councillors on Brentwood Borough have expressed anger and frustration at a decison by the leader Cllr Louise McKinlay to exclude them from any formal meetings she is having with the Chairman / CEO of Crossrail to discuss what is happening in Shenfield and Brentwood.
Lib Dem leader Cllr David Kendall asked to be invited to the talks, along with new Shenfield councillor Graeme Clark, because Crossrail will have a major impact on all sections of the community and he felt it important the Council presented a united front on such a major issue. He also wanted to ensure that all members of the Council had access to information at the earliest possible opportunity rather than when the administration felt it was appropriate. His call was rejected by the Cllr McKinlay.
Cllr Kendall said:
"I am dissapointed by the stance taken by the Leader. The Lib Dem group believes that Crossrail is an issue we should be working on cross party and adopting a united front to get the best deal we can for the residents and businesses in Shenfield and Brentwood. Sadly the leader takes a different view and prefers to do it all on her own. It would appear that the Tories have learnt nothing from their recent defeat to the Lib Dems in Shenfield".

Cllr Graeme Clark said:
"The people of Shenfield voted for me because they believed I would speak for them and represent their views. The Leader of the Council is ignoring local opinion by excluding me from meetings with Crossrail. I demand my right to represent Shenfield."