Crossrail: Shenfield councillors call for parking strategy

Cllr Liz Cohen has tabled the following motion, aimed at formulating a clear strategy for Shenfield's parking during the Crossrail construction:
"With the arrival of Crossrail imminent, we call for a strategic parking charges and provision review in Shenfield to protect our residents and businesses throughout the construction period"
Cllr Cohen said:
"In the next 2 years Cross rail will start construction in Shenfield and although we do not know exactly what their plans are, we do know that
they are going to take away a large number of parking spaces, especially in the Friars Avenue car park. We are really concerned for the residents,
shoppers and traders of Shenfield.
"This Council provides 70 parking permits annually to businesses in Shenfield. When they take Friars Avenue Car Park, where will people park? This motion proposes that we must hold an urgent review of the parking in the whole of Shenfield to come up with some alternatives.
"We appreciate that everything takes time and consideration, which is why we urge you to start looking at this in greater detail now, and so we can
start reassuring the Community of Shenfield that a solution will be found to hopefully suit all needs."
The motion will be debated at full council on Wednesday 10th July.
Cllr Cohen will also be presenting the petition "Save Friars Avenue Car Park" which can still be signed here.