Dad and daughter head for the polls

POLITICS has taken over the Clarke household.
It is the sole topic of conversation as dad, Nigel, and daughter Gabriella, plan tactics and stuff envelopes with campaign literature.
They are both standing as Liberal Democrat candidates in next month's local council elections.
Nigel, a hairdresser in the town, has always been interested in politics, but became more
embroiled at a local level as a small businessman.
He said: "I have found local politics impinge on business so much - from parking to issuing licenses for various activities.
"I would like to be on the inside, putting the small business point of view across."
Gabriella, 21, is a carer at an old people's residential home.
She started her 'political career' by helping her dad, but became so involved in it herself, she decided to stand for election too.
"I want to help vulnerable people, and being on the council is a good way to start," she said.
Nigel Clarke is standing in Brentwood West ward and Gabriella in Brentwood South.