Disability fairness championed by Brentwood Lib Dem councillors

As firm believers in fairness and equality, Lib Dem councillors David Kendall and Karen Chilvers have been working to highlight disability issues in recent months.
After taking part in the "Blindfold Challenge" with Guide Dogs for the Blind that gave him a better understanding of the issues facing the visually impaired, David has made progress on moving two new safety schemes forward. It is hoped that tactile paving can be installed at the Crown Street junction and the Moore's Place junction.
Meanwhile, as a person with disabilities herself, Karen is delighted to announce that Brentwood will change the signs on council-owned buildings to "Assistance Dogs Welcome" rather than the outdated "Guide Dogs Only" after she raised the issue at full council in December 2018.
Registered assistance dogs of all shapes and sizes accompany their handlers for a variety of reasons - from medical alert dogs to hearing dogs and from Shih Tzus to Labradors. All those registered must be offered access with their owners by law and Karen understands the need for them to be given access without hinderance or prejudice.
This follows on from a decision in June 2018 following a motion tabled by Karen to make the borough of Brentwood a "No Tolerance Zone" for blue badge parking.