Disappointment for Phoenix FM

A Liberal Democrat motion to get a £25,000 donation for Phoenix FM was withdrawn last night when it became clear that Brentwood's Conservative administration would not be voting for it at last night's Policy Panel meeting.
Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall had asked for the money to come out of the Assizes Fund which can be used for projects that benefit the community, to help the Station cover some core costs and give it a firm financial base for the future. As far as he was concerned Phoenix met all the Assizes Fund criteria, however on the night one of the Council's finance officers expressed doubts about whether the radio station was eligible.
Following a debate it was agreed that an alternative motion should be agreed and that Phoenix apply instead for CIF (Community Initiative Funding)
Cllr Kendall said:
"I am disappointed that the administration felt unable to support my motion, particularly when earlier on in the meeting Brentwood Theatre was given £80,000 to complete their building work. Just like the Theatre, Phoenix FM is a valuable asset to to Brentwood and plays an important part in our community. I have now asked senior Council officers to speak again to Phoenix to find out what specific areas of the Assizes criteria they are failing to meet.
"In the meantime if Phoenix are unable to get CIF funding I will be bringing back another motion to try and get them the money they so badly need"