Do you want a local hustings?

Cllr David Kendall, Lib Dem parliamentary candidate, has stated today that he would be happy to take part in impartial hustings debates so local people could hear from him and all the candidates who will be fighting for the Brentwood & Ongar seat at the general election on Thursday 6th May.
David said:
"This seat will be hotly contested this year, especially with incumbent Eric Pickles' national profile as Tory Party Chair. Although it is a two-horse race between Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, it is absolutely essential that residents hear direct from those who want to represent them. So far, we know there are six party candidates standing and at least one independent. Residents should have the chance to hear from each of them before they make up their minds on how they are going to vote."
"An impartial setting is important and I have asked the Gazette series, who are excellent at covering political issues, if they would be prepared to host such meetings - one in Brentwood and one in Ongar."
If you would like to see a hustings meeting in Brentwood send an email with your name and address to: or tweet with hashtag #brentwoodongarhustings.