Eric Pickles enjoys Spanish Sun whilst residents deal with credit crunch

Cllr David Kendall, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Brentwood & Ongar, has reacted with dismay at press reports that Conservative MP, Eric Pickles, is canvassing ex-pat residents in Majorca, with further trips planned across Europe as well as Dubai and the US.
Mr Pickles was recently promoted to Chairman of the Conservative party and is travelling overseas in an attempt to register voters.
He said:
"Whilst Mr Pickles' constituents are here at home struggling to balance the family finances and keep their businesses afloat, their MP is off to foreign climes, canvassing in the sunshine over a plate of paella!

"Many families will be unable to afford a holiday this year due to the economic situation so Eric's trip can hardly be of much comfort to them.

"With our MP on the Costa and the Leader of Brentwood Council, Brandon Lewis, spending much of his time around Hemsby beach in Norfolk trying to be an MP, it does make you wonder who is running Brentwood and listening to residents view and concerns".
The Liberal Democrat team of councillors and activists are spending their time talking to residents in Brentwood and ensuring their views are heard.