Ex-mayor blasted in Hutton school row

A former mayor is at the centre of a standards row after claims he "bulldozed" through a planning application for his friend and political leader.
Cllr Frank Kenny, ex-mayor and chairman of Brentwood council planning committee, is set to be referred to the standards board amid claims he failed to declare his close ties with Conservative council leader Brandon Lewis.
He has also been accused of rushing through the decision and not allowing opposition members to speak. But Cllr Kenny has denied any wrongdoing.
Cllr Lewis applied to the committee for retrospective permission to build two outside classrooms on Green Belt land at Woodlands School in Hutton - where he is also a director. The Gazette revealed last month how the private school had flouted planning laws by building the demountable classrooms without permission.
Liberal Democrat leader Cllr David Kendall, who is set to report Cllr Kenny to the standards committee, said: "All members have to act very carefully.
"In this situation, we believe Cllr Kenny should have declared a personal prejudicial interest and therefore should be investigated."
Cllr Kenny had told members at the public meeting that planning permission was not required for demountable buildings. Planning officers have subsequently confirmed it is. When Labour councillor David Minns complained that his request to speak was ignored, Cllr Kenny said: "This is my committee. When I give permission to speak, you can do so. I will decide who can speak or not. If you do not stop, I will."
As a result of the planning committee's decision, Woodlands School can now keep two new demountable buildings, a hard-surfaced car park for 68 cars, and new access with gates and fencing.
This will enable the school to accommodate 36 more pupils.
Officers had recommended the plans for refusal, stating that the proposal would deviate from the council's green policy.
Resident Valerie Randall, who describes herself as non-political, said she was "gobsmacked" at how the discussion last Wednesday moved apparently away from planning issues on Green Belt land to what she saw as political point scoring by Cllr Kenny.
She said: "None of the planning issues appear to have been discussed. I felt the meeting just turned into a political rant with Cllr Kenny having a pop at opposition members."
Cllr Kenny said: "If anybody has a formal complaint about the way either I or any other members of the council acted at the committee meeting, they should go through the proper channels and report those members to the standards board."
Cllr Lewis said it would be inappropriate to comment.