Fight for Green Belt a priority

The Liberal Democrat candidate for the Hutton South by-election says she will fight for the Green Belt and campaign for safety measures to be installed in Hanging Hill Lane.
Linda Price said: "I am passionate about preserving the Green Belt. Brentwood is in serious danger of over-development and unless we safeguard what we have it will be gone forever.
"Hutton Country Park was one of the sites considered for use by gipsies and travellers. I believe a country park is the wrong location and would oppose any such proposals.
"The speed of vehicles travelling along Hanging Hill Lane is very worrying. Recently an accident occurred involving a child.
"I would campaign vigorously for Vehicle Activated Signs to be installed. These have proved very successful in other areas in the borough. Another problem is the lack of a decent bus service to Shenfield. Residents without a car encounter real problems daily and I think it is time that this oversight was addressed.
I am concerned at the lack of democracy at the Town Hall and was delighted at the recent victory for people power which brought about the Conservative U-turn to reject the leader and cabinet proposal and maintain the present committee and panel system."