Free Saturday parking long overdue

Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall has welcomed the announcement made by Cllr Louise McKinlay regarding free car parking on a Saturday in all the town centre car parks up to the end of the year but says the news is long overdue and doesn't go far enough.
The Liberal Democrats have led the call for free parking on a Saturday for over six months and local activist Nigel Clarke has managed to get many of the town's retailers behind the campaign.
The Lib Dems have also campaigned against the charges the Tories introduced in the Town hall car parks on a Saturday and recently presented a 400 strong petition to the Council.
Cllr Kendall said:
"The decision to give free parking on a Saturday during the High Street improvements is long overdue but it's certainly better late than never.
"We are glad that the Tories have finally been forced into listening to the call made by the Lib Dems, retailers and residents but we would like to see them go much further than this.
"The Liberal Democrats want to see a more innovative and flexible approach to car parking charges introduced as soon as possible not only during the High Street improvements but after as well. We believe there is much to be learnt from Councils like Colchester who are leading the way on innovative car parking schemes in Essex. Such schemes have proved popular with shoppers and retailers but have also helped to increase Council income levels as well."