Full Council report: An Unbelievable Pantomime!
The first meeting of Brentwood's full council under the new constitutional rules, already under fire for gagging opposition members, took place last night with opposition councillors, residents and tweeters appalled at the farcical, staged and propoganda fuelled spectacle that took place.

Lib Dem Leader Cllr Barry Aspinell said:
"This was a frustrating and disappointing meeting that did nothing for the residents of Brentwood.
"The Tories staged the most crass of pantomimes by using the question and answer session as a propaganda exercise - something that wasn't lost on residents viewing on the webcast or in the chamber. They followed this by voting against motions on managing the night time economy even though they agreed with us, changing our motion on the need for a strategy on Crossrail beyond all recognition and delaying the parking strategy and, finally, insulting opposition councillors throughout.
"In 2014, we have an opportunity to change all this and remove the Tories from power in Brentwood - you only need to watch this section of the webcast to understand why they are so bad for Brentwood."
Deputy Leader Cllr Graeme Clark summed up the Tory Q&A session by tweeting:
"Administration councillors asking questions to which they already know the answers. And the deputy mayor has just called it "a debate"."
"Sample question"would the chair tell us what a wonderful job you're doing?" Answer: "we are doing a wonderful job".
A summary of the meeting is below:
- A resident wants to ask her question as published in the agenda but the Tories argue against this saying it was withdrawn. Lib Dem councillors, with other opposition members, argue that the question (regarding Baroness Thatcher) should be asked as it was published and back the Tories into a corner and the question is heard.
- Cllr Karen Chilvers, Lib Dem (Brentwood West), presents a petition asking the administration to bring back the hour parking charge.
- Cllr Liz Cohen, Lib Dem (Shenfield), presents a petition to Save Friars Avenue Car Park
- Cllr Barry Aspinell, Lib Dem Leader (Pilgrims Hatch) asks why the administration are asking themselves so many questions.
- Cllr Graeme Clark , Lib Dem Deputy Leadere (Shenfield) asks Tory leader, Cllr Louise McKinlay, where the William Hunter Way update report - as promised - is? There is no additional information but things are "moving forward".
- Tory councillors start filibusting by asking each other pointless questions on minor matters in order to give each other a pat on the back. Cllr Karen Chilvers calls it a pantomime and points out that information has already been published. Answers are all completely scripted.
- Cllr Karen Chilvers takes issue with an answer regarding the new financial reporting system due to a completely different answer being given at her committee, overview & Scrutiny.
- Cllr James Sapwell, Lib Dem (Brentwood North) asks if William Hunter Way is another white elephant in Brentwood.
- Cllr Vicky Davies, Lib Dem (Pilgrims Hatch) asks questions about council housing.
- Cllr David Kendall, Lib Dem (Pilgrims Hatch) asks questions about the Town Hall project and flytipping.
- Cllr Graeme Clark asks why the leader is providing innaccurate information to the Brentwood Gazette.
- Cllr Liz Cohen asks about Shenfield's parks.
- Cllr Karen Chilvers answers a question on communications.
- the council agrees to go to consultation on the Local Development Plan
- The council agrees to the leaders formalising a response to the plans for the Lower Thames Crossing.
- Opposition councillors support a motion to re-classify some rooms to countereact the "Bedroom Tax" effect. Conservative councillors voted it through here.
- Despite agreeing, the Conservatives vote against the two Lib Dem motions to manage the night time economy. Watch here.
- The Conservative leader completely re-writes a Lib Dem motion to implement a strategy for Crossrail. Watch here.
- The council unanimously supports an opposition member to allow filming and photos in council meetings. watch here.