Fury as Essex Council CANCEL Weald Road roundabout repairs

Essex Council officers have deemed the lack of lines at the Weald Road/Western Road roundabout "do not to require immediate intervention", despite giving assurances that it would finally be completed by the end of September, after neary a year.
This has led to a furious outburst by County Cllr David Kendall who said:

"The decision by the Highways Dept not to reinistate the roundabout but do some nearby carriageway repairs is totally ridiculous. The Weald Road / Western Road junction is one of the busiest in Brentwood and for motorists to be left with a 3 inch deep crater where once stood a mini roundabout is a disgrace. Brentwood residents pay 74% of their Council Tax to Tory controlled Essex County Council and this is an example of the poor level of service they get in return. I have written to the Cabinet member Cllr Rodney Bass and asked for urgent action to be taken to get this matter resolved as soon as possible".
All that will happen is a bit of "patching up" - repairs that have only lasted a few months in other areas such as the High Street by Westbury Road.
The repairs were originally supposed to happen by the end of March, and then by the end of September and, now, is anyone's guess.

Brentwood West Cllr Karen Chilvers said:
"Just another example that shows Tory-controlled Essex Council haven't got a clue. This is a main trunk road and a complex junction in Brentwood town centre and the council have a duty to ensure it is safe for all road users. Once again, they will sit round and wait for a death or serious accident rather than just get some paint, a few brushes and darn well get on with it. Common sense just doesn't feature."

Brentwood North Cllr James Sapwell added:
"This is absolutely staggering. Without the roundabout the junction is quite clearly dangerous, damages cars and causes confusion for drivers. To be told this does not require immediate intervention is stupid and highlights quite how wrong ECC's priorities are."