General Election 12 December 2019 - a message from David Kendall, Parliamentary Candidate

Now that the date for the General Election has been called I am delighted to be contesting the Brentwood & Ongar seat for the Liberal Democrats at this key moment in our country's history.
For me, stopping Brexit and the lack of trust in Boris Johnson and his Conservative government are two of the key issues at stake at this General Election.
However I am also passionate about taking action on a whole range of other issues, such as getting better mental health services, more funding for special needs education, tackling climate change and fighting for improvements to bus and rail services.
At the recent Euro Elections the Liberal Democrats came a strong second in Brentwood & Ongar as residents realised that we are the only credible Remain party and the only serious alternative to the Conservatives in this area.
We live in extremely uncertain times and I sense there is a real mood for change. Many residents I've spoken to have serious concerns about Boris Johnson's Brexit deal and don't trust him and his government to deliver for all the people in this country. As for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party, they have shown they are hopelessly split on Brexit with 30 of them voting for Johnson's Brexit deal.
You have an opportunity to Stop Brexit at this election by voting Liberal Democrat.
If I am elected as your MP I will use my knowledge and understanding of the area to champion residents' views at Westminster especially for the young, the old and the most vulnerable in our community. I will challenge the system and hold the decision makers to account.
If you want to get involved in my campaign please get in touch here.