Great Warley: Fly Tipping in Bird Lane

Local Lib Dems were called into action on Monday 22 March, when a tipper lorry dumped tonnes of building rubble and other rubbish in Bird Lane, completely blocking this single lane road.
Three agencies were notified. First the Police as this is an unlit country lane and on a bend, at 10.30pm. The Police responded in their usual fashion to something like this .... You will have to contact the Council - we cannot assist at this time (even though this is a hazard and could potentially have caused a nasty accident.
County Council was called, as it is highways land. They responded and attended but unbelievably just made a pathway through the rubble and rubbish by physically pushing it to one side. They did not remove anything as they believed it was not their problem either!
So, the last port of call was the Chief Executive of Brentwood Council was notified and he ordered the removal of the blockage by Brentwood Depot staff.
The following evening, the tipper lorry made a second deposit, this time in Warley Gap. Fortunately, not blocking the road but tonnes of unsightly rubbish fly tipped.
Brentwood Council has finally removed the last of this fly tip. Several tonnes and our enforcement team at Brentwood are checking through for possible identification of perpetrators.
This weekend, however, saw a further outbreak of fly tipping in a large scale along the A127 and also in Magpie Lane, Home Farm Road and Childerditch Lane.
Your local Lib Dems have discussed with the Council officers the possibility of prevention going forward rather than just clearing up the mess afterwards. It costs Brentwood over £250,000 per year to clear up fly tipping.