Hong Kong Democracy

At the Full Council meeting at County Hall on Tuesday 8th October County Councillor David Kendall asked the Leader of the Council, Cllr David Finch the following verbal question regarding Hong Kong:
Question: Dominic Rab the Foreign Secretary recently said that Britain's support for Hong Kong and it's freedoms is unwavering. If this Conservative administration agrees with that statement then what action is the County Council going to take with regards to it's business dealings with China to show our support for the Democracy movement in Hong Kong?
Reply: Essex County Council would be guided by the UK Government.
David said: "The response from Cllr Finch shows it is very unlikely the County Council will take any direct action to support the Democracy movement in Hong Kong. Essex County Council has an office in China and has had business dealings with China for many years. It could certainly express it's deep concerns to the Chinese authorities about what is currently happening in Hong Kong but is failing to do so. This Conservative government may be offering the democracy movement warm words of support but when it comes to taking any action it's sadly lacking"