Ingatestone: Sankey calls for action at Buttsbury Wash

Annually, some 20 - 25 vehicles become stranded in the Wash. This can be a traumatic experience especially at night with no streetlighting particularly for families and senior residents. There is potential for a fatal accident with fast flowing and very cold water. Ordinarily, it is not drivers taking a chance, it is invariably that the warning signage is not there or inadequate.
The scale of the problem is not just the trauma of those caught out, there is the considerable cost and time on the emergency services including ambulances, fire services and police.
Residents have repeatedly raised this ongoing problem with the local Conservative County Councillor to little or no avail.
Darryl Sankey and the Lib Dems have asked for a full review of all the signage and for action to be taken to have it replaced and repaired. The County Council have subsequently indicated that new signage will be installed. However, temporary
signage and closures need a minimum daily check. This may seem costly but certainly not as costly as rescuing vehicles and people.

Darryl Sankey is a parish councillor in his Ingatestone home town and our candidate for the 2021 Borough Council election for Ingatestone, Frynerning and Mountnessing Ward. You can contact him at