Kendall gets support for Cross Party Action on Brentwood Station Area

Lib Dem County Councillor David Kendall has managed to get cross party support for action to be taken to improve the Brentwood Station Area.
All the Borough Councillors representing the wards of Brentwood West, Warley and Brentwood South have now agreed to work together to try and get the much needed improvements. They would like to see a full audit undertaken of the area by Essex County Council officers to assess what work needs to be done and the likely cost. This action will hopefully ensure that a full programme of works can be properly considered rather that the odd isolated improvement.
Cllr Kendall said:
"I am very pleased that my Borough colleagues have agreed to put their political differences to one side and support a united approach on this issue. It is far better that we all try and work together on trying to get improvments to the gateway to Brentwood rather than individuals going it alone. Getting the money for the improvements and trying to satisfy local retailers and residents' expectations will be a tall order but it's very important we give it a try and as a group we will be doing all we can to make it happen "