Kendall puts fairness at the heart of the Liberal Democrat General Election campaign

The Liberal Democrats have announced they will fight the General Election on four key principles, designed to make Britain a fairer place.
PPC for Brentwood & Ongar, Cllr David Kendall, has today set out his campaign priorities: fair taxes; a fair start for every child; fair, clean and local politics and a fair, green economy with jobs that last.
David said:
"People in Brentwood & Ongar have been let down by their politicians and are rightly frustrated. I am going into the election with a clear direction and a manifesto that is short, direct and to the point.
"We will introduce fairer taxes by closing loopholes for the richest, introducing a tax on mansions and tax cuts of £700 for everyone else.
"If your child is at school in Brentwood or Ongar, we can promise investment to help reduce class sizes, improve discipline and develop one-to-one tuition.
"We would also give you the right to sack your MP. The Liberal Democrats are the only party committed to real change of our political system, flushing out big money and corrupt donors and reducing the number of MPs by 150.
"And we will rebuild the economy in every part of Britain in a way that promotes green technology and creates lasting jobs. We will put an end to casino banking, bring back competition and support local entrepreneurs to make sure businesses can find the money they need to grow.
"The coming months are a crucial time for politics and I will be using them to focus on these four priorities and delivering real change."
In his speech this morning, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg said:
"David Cameron and Gordon Brown are playing the politics of the airbrush and the focus group.
"One doesn't know what he believes. The other doesn't know what to do with the power he clings to so desperately.
"I believe the country wants something different. The Liberal Democrats are different. We offer credibility where it's needed and hope for our common future."