Kendall's action on danger crossroads

Following the news that there had been a serious accident at Devils Head Crossing in Warley at the weekend, County Cllr David Kendall said:
"I am very concerned to hear that there has been another accident at this dangerous junction. Thankfully no one was killed but I fear it is only a matter of time before we have a fatality. I have been calling for a roundabout to be installed at the Devil's Head for the last five years but the County say there isn't the money to provide it. However many Brentwood residents I speak to are fed up being short changed by County Hall particularly when 74% of their Council tax goes into the County coffers.
"The time for action is now. I hope this accident will be the wake up call that something needs to be done before it's too late".
Just last week, Cllr Kendall had written to the cabinet member responsible to ask for an urgent site meeting.