Kendall sets the standard for General Election

Brentwood & Ongar's Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate, Cllr David Kendall has proposed an "electoral covenant" between candidates and voters in response to the recent scandal over MP's expenses.
Ahead of any recommendations from the Kelly Committee on Standards in Public Life, Cllr Kendall has published "10 Parliamentary Pledges" which go much further than the limited measures put forward by MP's so far - and has called on rivals to sign up to them too.
David Kendall said "It's time for higher standards at Westminster. I am shocked at how many MP's employ family members for example. It is hard to see how this would happen under a properly open and fair recruitment process, based purely on job related criteria.
"We can't wait for "the authorities" to sort this out - and I don't believe that improved reporting of expenses is enough. This is an area where prospective MP's can take a lead right now and I am challenging all my General Election opponents to match all these standards accordingly.
"The people of Brentwood & Ongar deserve an MP who can be trusted to be completely honest, fully accountable and not seeking election for their own personal gain. I believe this covenant meets that minimum requirement and I call on all Brentwood & Ongar candidates to sign up to it without delay"
Cllr David Kendall's electoral covenant for Brentwood & Ongar makes these 10 Parliamentary Pledges:
1. I will not employ family members at public expense under any circumstances.
2. I will advertise all publicly funded jobs in the local press.
3. I will publish a list of all employees on my website.
4. I will publish details of all my expense claims at least monthly on my web site.
5. I will only make an expense claim where I am incurring genuinely additional costs in the service of my Brentwood & Ongar residents.
6. I will not accept any gifts, gratuities, entertainment or favour from lobbyists or anyone else who might be seeking to influence my opinion.
7. I will not take any other paid employment, directorship or consultancy beyond being Brentwood & Ongar's full time MP.
8. I will maintain an accessible constituency office in Brentwood & Ongar and hold monthly surgeries at accessible venues across the Brentwood & Ongar constituency.
9. I will not have a second home in London. I will commute to London by Public Transport.
10. I will voluntarily submit myself for recall to the constituents of Brentwood & Ongar upon receipt and verification of a petition of 20% of the local electorate.