Kendall: Tory councillor behaviour "appalling"

Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall has told Tory Leader Cllr Louise McKinlay to improve the bahviour of her councillors.
The call follows the actions of Cllrs Hossack and Parker at the Environment Panel on Wednesday when opposition councillors were insulted by them. Both refused to withdraw or apologise for the remarks at the meeting, with Cllr Parker saying he would like to embellish what he said, and Cllr Hossack has since confirmed his comments in writing, using his council email facility.
In an email to the leader this morning, Cllr Kendall said:
"You need to get a grip on your members and stop them making insulting comments to other members. Your Chairman was asked to intervene on two occasions but he did nothing and they were allowed to get away with it. Both Cllrs Hossack and Parker have history of making comments to other members and you haven't put a stop to it."

Cllr Karen Chilvers, who was on the receiving end of Cllr Parker's insults, said:
"It's not the f irst time Cllr Parker has made innapropriate comments in a council meeting and he has previously been censured by the council for his offensive remarks. His behaviour is like water off a duck's back for me but I do think that our residents deserve better and, at the very least, should expect the people running their council to act in an adult fashion."
The meeting is currently unable to be viewed due to the council deciding to hide it from public view.
Lib Dem councillors have been commended on Twitter for their conduct at the meeting.