Landlords must support the town centre
Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall is calling on landlords to get behind the rejuvenation of Brentwood High Street by putting more investment into their buildings and making rents more competitive to try and attract a wider mix of retail outlets.

He is concerned that some landlords have failed to invest in their buildings and shop fronts over a number of years and this has led to some parts of the town looking very tired and neglected. He believes that now is a good time for them to get behind Brentwood and show their long term commitment to the town particularly with the High Street improvements due to be completed at the end of November.
Cllr Kendall highlighted his concerns at a recent meeting of the Brentwood Town Centre Renaissance group and it was agreed that some landlords would be invited in to meet with councillors and officers to discuss how things could be improved going forward. During the meeting Cllr Kendall highlighted the empty Essex Bed Shop and the bookmakers next door at the western end of the High Street as good examples of where improvements needed to be made.
Cllr Kendall said
"I welcome the £6 million investment in the High Street improvements but that alone will not address some of the key issues faced by the shops and businesses in our town.
"They need help with rents, investment in shop fronts and buildings and a more innovative and flexible approach to car parking charges.
"The Council needs to start engaging with the landlords who own the shops and offices to get them onboard with taking Brentwood forward.
"The Landlords can make a difference by investing more in their infrastructure and by keeping rents as low as possible to try and attract a greater mix of retail outlets. Many retailers are restricted in terms of developing their business due to the crippling rents they currently have to pay and are looking to the Council to help them highlight these concerns".