Lib Dem Action in Running Waters

A resident in Brentwood South, living near Running Waters, contacted Liberal Democrats candidate Brenner Munden to report broken paving slabs on the Running Waters footpath.
Brenner went down to the footpath straight away and what he found were broken and/or raised slabs. It became clear that this was incredibly dangerous as it would be easy for anyone to trip up the raised slabs or step and fall on a cracked and moving piece of concrete. Many elderly residents that use this footpath were unnecessarily taking a risk by walking down the path and potentially falling and hurting themselves because of the path defects. But it soon became clear how impossible it would be pushing a pram or using a wheelchair down the path without get stuck or causing damage.
It was clear that this path was not safe. Brenner took photos of all the defects and noted where each broken and dangerous slab was so that they could be precisely reported. After years of local residents attempting to report the pathway with no success the Liberal Democrats were able to report it and see
immediate action taken. We now have confirmation that they have been successfully highlighted and repairs will be undertaken on the footpath in the very near future.
On the matter Brenner Munden and Liberal Democrat County Councillor David Kendall has said that they are pleased repairs will be taken out on the footpath and that "it is so important that road and pavement defects are reported and repaired as quickly as possible to prevent any damages or anyone hurting themselves".

Brenner Munden is standing in Brentwood South ward for the 2021 Borough Council election on Thursday 6 May.
Cllr David Kendall has been county councillor for Brentwood South division since 2009 and is our candidate for the 2021 County Council election on the same day.
You can contact both at