Lib Dem Action on the Dog Waste Disposal Offenders

Lib Dem councillors David Kendall (Brentwood South County Divison) and Karen Chilvers (Brentwood West ward) have acted on information and appeals from Brentwood residents to try to improve the dog waste issues in our country parks and in the town centre.
Principle issues raised were:
- People failing to pick up after their dogs in our country parks
- People leaving bags of dog waste hanging in the park like tree decorations
- Siting of and quantity of bins in country parks and town centres
- Dog waste on popular walks through town and near schools
This anti-social habit is disappointing and gives good dog owners a bad name.
Within a matter of days, the councillors had secured:
- A full review of the bin provision in our country parks to include signage, siting and total provision
- Additional signage in Warley Country Park and King George's Park
- A poster campaign in the affected streets (including Crescent Road, Hartswood Road and Vaughan Williams Way)

Cllr David Kendall said: "This is good news and I am pleased the review will take place. It might not cure the problem entirely, but it will make people think twice before dropping their offensive litter for others to clear up".
Cllr Karen Chilvers added: "I do hope this helps matters. As a dog owner myself I honestly can't fathom why people don't take responsibility for what their hounds leave behind, especially those that go to the bother of picking it up and adorning trees with bags of it! Simply place it in the nearest bin/dog waste bin or take your litter home and dispose of it".